
Hello! this is my site, my name is Charlie and thats all the information you get about me. Probably just gonna upload funny game rants.

Some interests of mine

Funnoi rants
IF YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GUNGEON, COME BACK LATER UNLESS YOU LIKE SPOILERS. Okay, so. Currently, I have the robot unlocked, and the paradox unlocked. I have beaten the main four characters pasts. BUT. THE PARADOX. The paradox has been the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE for about a week now. Currently, I'm trying to unlock the gunslinger. The gunslinger is objectively the best character in enter the gungeon because he starts with lich eye bullets, which give you EVERY POSSIBLE SYNERGY. I keep getting good runs with the paradox, but every time i get to bullet hell, I DIE!!!!
hehe for a silly goofy click here